Again, it's cast in mythological terms as a "squabble between the Celestials of the sea arising from a scarcity of nectar and ambrosia."
Scholars have found striking similarities between the mythological and religious terms used in different cultures of Europe and India.
In mythological terms they were Loki and the white god Heimdall, possessor of the great Horn of Ragnorok.
He was the hottest thing in the game, the one who was to come, and people were beginning to speak of him in mythological terms.
He goes on to expand in mythological terms, giving some of the geographic details of the myth:
Rather, the word is derived from mara, a Scandinavian mythological term referring to a spirit sent to torment or suffocate sleepers.
Again, they expressed this insight in the mythological terms of Kabbalah.
"I really think he's a frustrated Pan, speaking in mythological terms."
In mythological terms it can be called as land which is used for the grazing of cow.
He was also a radical political thinker who conceived a vision of history in mythological and religious terms and conceived the world as a revolutionary site.