Using mime, actors transformed themselves into mythological beasts, musical instruments and souls flying off to heaven.
They look unmistakably like mythological beasts, birds, men and masks.
This playlist includes 10 tracks titled after this mythological beast.
So the next question was, what sort of mythological beast?
For example, in legend the king may have magical weapons and fight dragons or other mythological beasts.
"I told you I had trouble controlling mythological beasts," Illyria said.
His tomb, restored in the 16th and 20th centuries, is marked by a mosaic depicting mythological beasts.
So when the pirates come you can strut around up here in your feather coat breathing fire like some mythological beast.
These misericords show a mixture of mythological beasts, grotesques and everyday events, there appears to be no pattern to the content.
According to Xiaomingxiong, one exception to this age preference is the dragon, a powerful mythological beast.