Many semi-miraculous mythical tales were woven around Hāfez after his death.
Several of the legendary members of this mythical king's family became leading characters of mythical tales in their own right.
In this book he dealt with the mythical tales, recording the history of the island, especially the geological phenomena.
On the bridge of the Enterprise the crew stared at Omne as if he had materialized out of some mythical tale.
Generally in mythical tales, they had the power to fly, could vanish and also increase or decrease their size at will.
The author uses this time period for a realistic retelling of the mythical tale of King Arthur.
It is a mythical tale of irony and hope that fills a large space in the domaine of religion-and-science.
These works depicted the mythical tales of the Hindu gods and goddesses.
This is partly because many mythical and frightful tales have been attached to the people connected with the Ogiso.
The creative team sees the opera as a mythical tale, passed down and pondered through the ages, about the cycles of life and death.