Aepytus was one of the mythical kings of Arcadia.
Oedipus was a mythical or fictional king in Greek mythology.
Gilgamesh, the mythical king of Uruk, is said to be the first king to have had an entirely human adviser.
The genus is named after Cecrops I, the mythical first king of Athens.
A white cloak flapped out behind the stranger, giving him the appearance of some great mythical king.
He became known as a mythical king with strong magic, yet still a farmer.
The feature is named after the mythical Thracian king and deity Zalmoxis.
The manaul is a mythical king who became a bird.
The new name comes from Pelops, the mythical king of the Peloponnese.
The name of the earliest known mythical king was Nannacus (aka Annacus).