It's something you can do in the theater - go into this absolutely dreamlike mythic place, out of time, between reality and dream world.
The Western world is studded with mythic places: primeval forests, rivers of life, sacred mountains.
And soon we were onshore and ready to explore this mythic place where God had directed Constantine to create the greatest city in the world.
But in those mythic places where man has triumphed over nature, ghosts linger.
Now, you can well imagine my satisfaction that we had reached this mythic place.
With its cyber-cinematic jokes about Forrest's influence on pop culture, the movie honors the mythic place of rock-and-roll in baby-boomer consciousness.
It holds a mythic place in the imagination of young people on outposts all over the West Bank.
We tend to see the continent as a mythic place of romantic dreams - of exotic adventures, lost ancestors and awesome creatures.
At other times the traveler wants to leave the world, to reach "a mythic place beyond known time and history."
Would they return from their mythic hidden places to hunt him now that he'd broken his oath and violated The Compact?