It was rousing stuff, complete with anthems and stern-eyed heroes and the sort of subdued commentary one expects with the portrayal of mythic events.
The relationship between people and the mythic events they celebrate in story and ritual has always been fluid.
The mythic events concerning Io were transplanted, no doubt by colonists from Argos, to various far-flung sites in the Hellenic world.
"The Prom" as mythic event - as inaugural life ball - is a fairly recent phenomenon.
The mountain is the scene of several mythic events in the works of Homer.
From this understanding, the figures portray mythic characters, and are often found where mythic events are thought to have occurred.
It was a mythic event.
For the gods who are deeply involved in narratives, mythic events are very important expressions of their roles in the cosmos.
The rituals of Egyptian religion were meant to make the mythic events, and the concepts they represented, real once more, thereby renewing maat.
"The press here in New York has built up a murder case into a gargantuan, mythic event that's supposed to resolve deep social issues," he said.