For some, the courier can assume almost mythic dimensions.
This technological marvel then took on mythic dimensions.
This mythic dimension is doubtless a factor contributing to its charm.
It is sometimes difficult to determine what constitutes the stuff of legend, or when a man enters that mythic dimension.
Nonetheless, the incident took on mythic dimensions for the town, proving in citizens' minds the vital need for a local hospital.
He is, as a writer, remarkable for his ability to give brutal realism a mythic dimension.
"What interested me is the mythic dimension in which we place gangsters and the meaning of them generally for us."
Critics gush over Branch's wide-ranging narrative, which they say does justice to the mythic dimensions of the struggle.
By so doing, he invests the plot with a timeless, almost mythic, dimension.
In it, the father's tall tales take on a mythic dimension.