He travelled widely after 1588, including a stay at the Imperial court in Prague, home to the mystically inclined Habsburg emperor Rudolf II.
The phenomenon burst into public consciousness in 1985 when police officers clashed with thousands of mystically inclined celebrants drawn to Stonehenge for the summer solstice, arresting 700.
A few mystically inclined biologists went still further.
Notable, too, was Sarah Coburn as the chatty but mystically inclined Sister Constance.
Mystically inclined observers might point to the theater's history of flops as some sort of cosmic curse left behind by Mr. Drabinsky.
Similar traditions would flower, more than a thousand years later, among mystically inclined Jewish groups, who would call them kabbalah.
Bar-Woten compared himself with Kiril, strong and bold soldier and adventurer with reluctant, mystically inclined scholar, and felt an intense envy.
He leaves Vardo, his betrothed, and sets off to make his fortune, which he does with the help of a mystically inclined peddler.
The Peabody Trio began and ended its program on Sunday afternoon with mystically inclined works of very different orientations.
But by this point he had already barreled through a succession of contemporary styles, ending in Symbolism, a movement mystically inclined and infatuated with exoticism.