The syllable "om" is first described as all-encompassing mystical entity in the Upanishads.
Many animals, fruits, characters, and mystical entities have been represented pictorially on Chimú ceramics.
Newsweek suggested that the flat earth society was more "a mystical entity than an organization."
One must treat it, in short, very much the same as one did the question; as a mystical entity, till now unrelated with other phenomena.
He is a powerful mystical entity (possibly a demon) whom Doctor Strange and other sorcerers have invoked.
"Notre Dame is a mystical entity for a lot of people," Gardner said.
This character is guided to his targets by a bizarre set of mystical entities that only Ryder understands to be living beings.
With her eyes fixed upon that face, which seemed like a mask over a mystical entity, Louise took the packet of letters.
People forget that humans created the Machine, and treat it as a mystical entity whose needs supersede their own.
He is a powerful mystical entity (possibly a demon), and a member of the Octessence.