That was a mystical art, which released the animal fighting instinct through directed dreams.
While others carry out structural changes to the bureaucracy, Dr. Alonso's realm is the mystical art of teaching young minds.
Collections like this one show that fashion can indeed be an art - and a moving, mystical one at that.
Are you nervous around the mystical arts?
"Another wizard knowledgeable in the mystical arts might help us to sort through this mystery."
She kept her mystical art to herself and a small group called the Five, which practiced automatic drawing and conducted séances.
A museum-quality survey of the great modernist's mystical, faux-juvenile art.
Does the captain understand the mystical art of navigation?
Belasco is one of the most powerful sorcerers on Earth and possesses a wide knowledge of the mystical black arts.
But for the longest time, it was considered a kind of mystical art.