Two weeks later the submarine mysteriously exploded, killing several personnel.
As it was last time, an American jet circles an isolated Chinese oceanographic research station, and then the island mysteriously explodes.
The Boys travel to Moscow, where the local supes are mysteriously exploding.
Also, a number of etherships, engaged in surveying the ocean, mysteriously exploded.
But the bomb mysteriously exploded a few weeks later, jolting the SS guards.
February 15 The battleship Maine mysteriously explodes while anchored in Havana harbor, resulting in the deaths of 260 crew members.
Before Pasarian can inform Richard he and his assistant are killed by toxic fumes released from machinery that mysteriously explodes.
Very quickly I learned that Tursh has problems: the local wizards' academy had recently mysteriously exploded, unleashing a plague of demons.
Years later, Eric's apartment building mysteriously explodes.
For reasons unknown, his car mysteriously exploded two days after our "business transaction" in the warehouse.