That stranger is the title character, who arrives mysteriously in a small Mexican village.
His unusual gifts are recognized by a friend of his mother's who has mysteriously arrived in town.
And before that it had arrived mysteriously at Kung Top.
Every single piece of computer equipment he'd asked for had mysteriously arrived during the night and was now stacked in boxes along the large conference table.
What Shirley was trying to explain was how the colonel had so mysteriously arrived in the rear parlor, the night before.
She is found comatose at a later date, having mysteriously arrived at a hospital, and recovers several days later.
He assured the listener that it was actually Inspector Cardona who had made the call, after mysteriously arriving in the switch house.
The Southeast volume of the Smithsonian Guides says these "recent interlopers arrived mysteriously."
The coffee had mysteriously arrived ahead of them on a silver tray--the boy poured and served, and vanished.
The computers at the port had told him that one Rambo, "sans origine," had arrived mysteriously on the grass of a designated hospital.