The image on the command deck's main viewer shifted in time for Nostrene and everyone else to see the mysterious black void appear once more, a gaping hole in the fabric of space.
Its hidden point contacted nothing and he was temp- ted to withdraw it and strike again, opening a real hole into the mysterious void, but he felt that this would be unfair to Tabari.
The procession exited, as it had entered, via the center aisle, through the audience, leaving the chorus to finish the Allegri around a mysterious smoky void.
Scientists calculate that this mysterious void has a mass three million times larger than the Sun.
Starbuck is captured by the Cylons while the Fleet continues through the mysterious black void to a fateful rendezvous with the planet Kobol that may hold the secret to the lost thirteenth tribe.
Nodding in the direction of the main viewer and, by extension, the mysterious void that lay beyond, Captain Okagawa said, "You never know, Mahmud.
The girl placed a foot upon a rung of the ladder and started slowly down into the black, mysterious void.
It is likely that she was accepted because she made inarguably tough pieces, haunting constructions with mysterious black voids in their centers.
What tragedy of the jungle night had been enacted in that black, mysterious void?
It was like matter and anti-matter: Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative collided in a flash that left nothing in its wake except a mysterious, 100-minute void in time.