He returned in a half hour, and in the same mysterious high spirits.
Tarquin is haunted by a mysterious spirit named Goblin, who is attached to him spiritually.
The title refers to the mysterious spirits known as hyohlu who play a large role in the book.
Complacent pretension has overtaken the earlier work's mysterious spirit of adventure and discovery.
Egbo or Ekpe is a mysterious spirit who is supposed to live in the jungle and to preside at the ceremonies of the society.
The two Talamascans see a mysterious spirit who resembles a priest.
Acquired from Dark Malco, Mel uses this stone and the staff given by a mysterious spirit in order to transport herself into the past.
Ms. White sought to complement the Haitian works with paintings by contemporary Americans that catch their mysterious spirit.
Like her father, a brooding gentleman beekeeper, Ana begins to seek the mysterious "spirit" that carries death with it.
You're like . . . the mysterious spirit in a fairy tale.