Catherine Murphy's view into a forest of sumacs, painted with acutely observed precision, casts an understatedly mysterious spell.
This place casts a mysterious spell.
Chauntlucet: a mysterious and ancient spell which encourages the moon to sing.
Laurence Matthews, too, brought extra shading to the role of Bottom, making him not only funny and sad but also an appropriate subject of the forest's mysterious spell.
Evans later appeared in the film as one of the magicians, who cast mysterious spells on the passengers of the bus.
Ancient, mysterious spells such as these are often . . ." "The date is written at the top of them.
He was silent again, so still he might have put him- self under his own mysterious spell.
"This mysterious dry spell seems to have affected me as well."
Because his work has, of the Maremma region, the ancient mysterious spell, like the luminous Florentine hills and the deep silences of Volterra.
Relief comes in the small fifth gallery, exclusively devoted to six of Sickert's music hall paintings, which cast a mysterious spell with quiet unlikely color groupings and dark spaces.