Langdon's mysterious manuscript has touched a nerve with the Priory.
It has been described as "the world's most mysterious manuscript".
Kitab al Kanuz was a mysterious medieval Arabic manuscript from the 15th century, supposedly a treasure hunter's guide noted for its mention of the Zerzura oasis[1].
The Voynich manuscript, described as "the world's most mysterious manuscript", is a work which dates to the early 15th century (1404-1438), possibly from northern Italy.
Sigmund Freud, Edith Wharton and, yes, Henry James all appear in a mysterious manuscript left on a scholar's doorstep on a dark and stormy night.
The thread connecting it all is the Benedictine friar Matthew, who, even in the latest novel, finds himself involved in dramatic events set about by a mysterious illuminated manuscript.
He was again the mellow scholar, the kindly, jovial host, and it was evident that the mysterious manuscript was not to be referred to again.
Gilles Quispel, a Dutch historian, heard about these mysterious manuscripts and decided to buy them via the Jung Foundation in Zurich.
An awesomely naïve English scholar encounters an arresting image on the Internet while hunting down a mysterious lost manuscript.
He's called the new theory "total horse pucky," which, unlike the mysterious manuscript, leaves nothing up for interpretation.