Amalric was unnerved, and recognized the thing as a mysterious deity worshipped by certain cults among the negro tribes.
I would sooner admire, work with, and worship a living, breathing man that I can see rather than some mysterious unknown deity who will likely never show up in this or any other lifetime!
More likely the mysterious deity would strike her dead before Cyric could gain any information from her.
The Thunderer was another of Ngurn's names for the mysterious deity.
In many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Water Lion is a mysterious deity who hates sharks and roams the Prime Material Plane.
The Master decides he must sacrifice Torgo and his first wife to the film's mysterious deity and namesake, "Manos."
Against the mysterious deity of Denys, Symeon and Palamas, they set up a God about which it was possible to make statements.
And "Chernevog" is an alternate spelling of Chernobog, a mysterious Slavic deity.
The girls decide to ascend the Youkai Mountain to confront the mysterious deity behind the threats.
The team destroys the machine and slays the mysterious deity Satan Egos himself with the Lightning Sword Rocketter sword-throwing move.