We wish you success in your mutual slaughter.
Let them perish under mutual slaughter; for length of days shall not be theirs.
But it would take far more than one affair of mutual slaughter to beat back the threat from Neral forever.
But now they can make the mutual slaughter harder to justify.
There was a welcome tenderness to her voice; she'd been cold since Valentine had turned the mutual slaughter she'd tried to start into a victory for the Bulletproof.
Unlike all too many he'd met in the Empire of the Axe and the human-dominated Border Kingdoms along its frontiers, the Sothoii-and coursers-had an actual history of mutual slaughter with the hradani.
Formalism had become the rule for fleet engagements over the centuries, and ships of the wall had not engaged in such point-blank mutual slaughter in over seventy T-years.
Edwyr stood some hundred feet off and calmly watched the mutual slaughter.
In the grand Irish epic of the Tain Bo Cuailnge, Neman confounds armies, so that friendly bands fall in mutual slaughter.
There was mutual slaughter on both sides but Finsnechta emerged the victor.