They eyed each other silently, their mutual tribal enmity seething beneath their cloak of formality.
Their mutual enmity's ground in the bone.
Smallville plays on his relationship with Clark and how that deteriorates into the mutual enmity that they will have in life.
J'onn in turn is responsible for some of Despero's most humiliating defeats, leading to a strong mutual enmity between the two characters.
It is necessary that we end our mutual enmity and join together in the name of survival.
Perhaps their mutual enmity had arisen organically, cultivated by both of them over the last several decades.
Naylor studied her silently and hostilely for some seconds, mutual enmity rife.
Once in the air, they learned to use their mutual enmity as a sharp lance against a mutual foe.
This led to a mutual enmity that, while diplomatically hidden, was very clear to observers within Jahangir's court.
During the interwar period of the 20th century (1920-1939), Lithuanian-Polish relations were characterized by mutual enmity.