"Arthur more or less brought me up, and looked after me, because we both shared a mutual distaste for our parents."
They had discovered a mutual distaste for medical interventions, and now teased each other about it.
In page after page, Bernstein guides us through this world of mutual distrust and mutual distaste, where everyone is constantly conspiring to get the upper hand.
They eyed each other with mutual distaste for a moment and the mayor put a protective hand on his chain of office.
Three feet behind him and side by side marched a pair of men separated as much by mutual distaste as by social standing.
They became fast friends, drawn to each other by their mutual distaste for their strict school.
Neither Hitler nor Hindenburg, as of the end of 1932, would have initiated contact to one another, so great was their mutual distaste for each other.
But the four seemed clumped together as if . . . as if in mutual distaste for the mortals around them.
Ever since this event the two have shared a mutual distaste for one other, although over time this has grown into more of a love/hate friendship.
-You no longer find the mutual distaste a mystery, I take it.