To Brown's chagrin, Francis and Marbury became fast friends, with a mutual disdain for the coach.
Though the brothers express mutual disdain, they can't resist seeking each other out.
That starts us off on an equal footing of mutual disdain.
The two fighters have been displaying their mutual disdain.
The letters, filled with mutual disdain, were included in a court filing.
His pitchers have been known to plunk the Yankees, particularly Paul O'Neill, with whom he has a 10-year mutual disdain.
Unable to deflect their mutual disdain, he had settled for keeping them civil.
The human inhabitants of Titlipur, and its butterfly hordes, moved amongst one another with a kind of mutual disdain.
If the Italian and American pasta makers made efforts to disguise mutual disdain, competitors from further afield showed greater equanimity.
As the voyage progresses, their mutual disdain for each other begins to weaken.