The three women, sitting side by side, made their mutual adjustments to the situation.
In the latter connection, to settle means to effect a mutual adjustment between the parties and to agree upon the balance.
The resolution of conflict between different policies depends upon mutual adjustment.
But Mr. Dromi points to the increasing interaction between people on the two sides as evidence that the process of mutual adjustment is advancing.
Here, the decisions made are decentralized and coordinated by mutual adjustment rather than command and control.
Galston (1999) claims, that Internet is "capable of promoting a kind of socialization and moral learning through mutual adjustment".
Their loving correspondence reveals to Lemann a subtle dynamic of mutual adjustment.
He viewed strategy as an informal process of mutual adjustment with little apparent coordination.
Argyris, C., "The individual and organization: some problems of mutual adjustment.
Friedrich Hayek used the term catallaxy to describe "the order brought about by the mutual adjustment of many individual economies in a market."