Instead, after a muttered prayer, they were all slid down to the sea's bed.
But he added his own muttered prayers, no more certain of his reasons than of theirs.
As if to give the lie to this, I heard the click of charms and the start of a muttered prayer.
When he begins to hear the muttered prayers of the world, he has no idea how to silence the din.
He promised her this once more in a muttered prayer and tucked the roll inside the breast of his coat.
Most stood in complete silence while some muttered prayers or quietly sang the Polish national anthem.
Polycarp turned away for a moment, and Apelles thought he heard muttered prayers.
A couple of his men wept; several offered up muttered prayers of thanks.
They began to disperse without a sound, passing the slumped body with bowed heads and more than a few muttered prayers.
He pulled off his steel cap as he spoke and crossed himself, with a muttered prayer for the repose of the dead.