Muttering hard comments about the impudence of waggish crows, the bard flung his arms about the trunk and tried to haul himself upward.
Curious crowds moved up and down the aisles, examining the items, checking the prices and muttering comments, while red-jacketed attendants announced repeatedly, "Keep moving, folks!
Only Niall stood quietly, muttering occasional comments into his earbug mouthpiece as he monitored the proceedings.
He muttered satisfied comments to himself as his eyes went from one area to another.
There was a lot of whispering and elbowing and muttered comments in the nature of 'No, .
Doubling and twisting along a planned course, he continued to mutter marginal comments, for Macduff generally moved in a haze of sotto voce remarks confidingly addressed to himself, usually approving in nature.
A lawyer, Michael Brewer, who represents Mr. Goldman's mother, said Mr. Simpson was scolded at the session for muttering derogatory comments during Mr. Kaelin's testimony.
After a bit more thumping and muttered comments in the foyer, the front door was slammed and Rebecca joined us.
The Avignonese were now writhing, frowning, and muttering comments among themselves, and even the abbot seemed unfavorably impressed by those words, as if he were thinking this was not the relationship he had desired between his order and the empire.
Already the older rishis were looking at Vishwamitra and muttering comments about brahman power.