The car lumbering and she mutely asking where drained from her own sacrifice.
He held the brandy bottle toward me, mutely asking me if I wanted more.
Slowly he relaxed, looked at the grey-haired man, interrogative eyebrows mutely asking confirmation.
He shook his head, and softly beat upon the hand he held, as though mutely asking her commiseration.
The boy looked up in his tutor's face, mutely asking if he should obey her.
Strained and hungry faces, black and white, were staring at her, mutely asking her to provide food.
She looked up at him, asking mutely for answers.
And Rose offered him her hand while her eyes mutely asked pardon for withholding her leave to keep it.
The other Ramen stared at Linden, mutely asking fo her help.
Julian glanced round at him raising his eyebrows, mutely asking him if he recognized one of the men as Rooky.