In the suburbs, where our seeming affluence leads us to gloss over the public aspects of economic prospects, these same patterns may prevail in a more muted form.
However, Bruceploitation continued in the United States in a somewhat muted form since the 1970s.
Why not this muted form of direct solicitation?
The economy continued in muted form.
Bradbury also noted that "it lacks a convincing rhetoric ... and the traditional Fleming frissons emerge only in muted form."
But in Japan, where uniformity is still prized and reputations and outward appearances are paramount, rebellion comes in muted forms, like hikikomori.
Yet the debate continues in muted form.
Overt symptoms gradually begin after the age of six months, become established by age two or three years, and tend to continue through adulthood, although often in more muted form.
But now the debate, albeit in a somewhat more muted form, may be flaring up again.
She saw the slender little bones outlined in that glowing shroud, the quiet head that showed through its princely veil the soft, muted form of a sleeping face.