Behind her was a muted cry, and a sound of someone falling.
He gave a bubbling, muted cry, barely heard as it was literally pinned within his throat.
It was a muted cry of protest; it would not have satisfied him.
There is little more than a muted cry, a gurgle, and the sound of a body falling on pebbles.
He heard a muted cry, quickly cut off, and turned toward the source, bewildered.
The young man gave a muted cry, whirled, and ran.
It came at first as a soft, muted cry and grew into a soul-piercing expression of agony.
The man screamed, a muted cry stuttering through the tape.
A quick, muted cry broke from his lips and turned abruptly to a frightening hiss.
Casey was about to say something more when she heard a muted cry behind her.