Endometrial cancer, on the other hand, seems to be a more important clinical manifestation for female mutation carriers.
When the spouse was highly anxious and unsupportive in style, the mutation carrier had significantly higher levels of distress.
Once the mutations were identified, the absolute risk of colorectal cancer could be better assessed for mutation carriers (Table 4).
As previously mentioned, these mutation carriers developed adenomas at an earlier age than noncarriers.
One study reported that nearly all mutation carriers as well as noncarriers could accurately recall the test result 1 year after disclosure.
One study reported a colonoscopy adherence rate of 100% among mutation carriers.
This study did not find that mutation carriers developed prostate cancer at an earlier-than-usual age.
Neglect of screening and surveillance resulting from increased anxiety about being a mutation carrier.
These individuals are often referred to as silent mutation carriers.
In this family, there was no difference in disease history between the homozygous and heterozygous mutation carriers.