After wasting ten minutes watching Hybart dig some musty volumes from a file cabinet and spread them in front of Atmore and Huxford, Dodson had begun to get bored.
Mrs Jennings dragged out several musty volumes and looked up references on points that were sheer Sanskrit to me.
Saztec also keys in musty volumes of legal records and court decisions for Mead Data Central Inc., whose NEXIS and LEXIS services contain more than 2,100 on-line data bases.
To collect books was Mr. Carey's only passion, and he never went into Tercanbury without spending an hour or two in the second-hand shop; he always brought back four or five musty volumes.
I could never endure to seclude myself in a golden tower, and spend the long hours staring into a crystal globe, mumbling over incantations written on serpent's skin in the blood of virgins, poring over musty volumes in forgotten languages.
The French open-air markets held great appeal for Laura, as did the Left Bank bouquinistes where she often found appealing old prints among the musty volumes.
He and Alaric had studied it a hundred times as they searched the musty volumes for information on an ancient Deryni saint.
And only a human, certainly no Vulcan, could have had the flash of insight--inspired, he wondered, by yet another of her "musty volumes"?
After she helped Greta dress and had her taken out to the garden by ft and consulted a number of musty leather-bound volumes in a search of information about vampires.
"It would seem that those musty volumes have indeed blinded you," she told him.