Colleen's heart beat faster as she entered the musty and darkened room.
As the evening cooled, the girls led the way inside the house to a large room, dimly lit and musty.
He found himself in an empty, musty room, lighted with a kerosene lamp also.
"Yes," he said, entering the musty little closetlike room after her.
I wish there was a book in some musty room.
She turned the handle as though she had noticed nothing, and stepped into the musty room.
Finally, when it appeared that not one more body could be squeezed into the musty room, an individual seated close to the front rose.
He reached into the closet at one end of his small, musty room and pulled out a proper gray bowler.
A single electric light cast its insufficient glow through the musty room.
The dusty, musty rooms were as he'd left them.