The musicians also tend to come back every year, or being replaced by other ones that are popular.
But older musicians tend to retreat from the extravagances of their youth, and that colored the show.
But musicians also tend to make the most of every gizmo.
We musicians tend to be open-minded; we borrow so much from each other.
But musicians tend not to be sentimental about where they perform.
Design-wary musicians still tend to think that a guitar is only as good as it sounds.
Massage therapists, chiropractors, podiatrists and musicians also tended to their needs.
The producers and musicians tend to make one critical mistake: they underestimate their audience.
But classical musicians tend to be risk-averse, and those at the Philharmonic, who typically stay for life, seem especially so.
The young musicians who are emerging as the music's new stars tend to be similarly open-minded.