On tribute albums, musicians show the world the songs they care about.
So far, the musicians have shown little willingness to adjust the number of players required at the 12 largest theaters, now 24 to 26.
But when a musician shows something of himself, audiences usually respond.
One of their specific goals was to start arranging an annual music festival where Finnish musicians could show their skills.
Indeed, throughout the evening the musicians showed themselves able to think, breathe and enter as one.
The musician had shown concern and that meant involvement.
It was great experience because the older musicians showed us how to pace ourselves, to save ourselves for the difficult moments.
Then musicians and ballet dancers will show how the musical themes are tied to individual roles.
Westchester is no longer just a place where musicians from Manhattan showed up every once in a while.
They say the musicians have not shown a similar willingness to move from their starting position.