Onstage people can see how the musicians interact and perhaps pick up a dance step.
The musician and audience can interact with chuimsae.
The company bills itself as "a platform that enables musicians to interact directly with top music industry professionals" and "an enhanced A&R platform".
"We want to be the place where the neighborhood's musicians can meet and interact," Onajie Royston said.
The dancers and musicians often interact.
While the featured musicians don't interact musically, they are artfully grouped around the stage to suggest a feeling of musical community.
In the Studio di fonologia musicale in Milan he then transformed these recordings to produce the tape with which the musicians interact during the performance.
It's O.K. to whisper occasionally to your child about something going on in the music; otherwise, no talking unless the musicians or conductor are interacting with you.
Pay attention to how the musicians interact with one another through what they play, looking for differences in each relationship.
The musicians interact theatrically with the dancers and with one another.