Musically speaking, most of these songs are a joy to listen to.
But there is a second problem with electronic music: Too much of the stuff just isn't very good, musically speaking.
The following table shows what the different parts look like, musically speaking:
Musically speaking, we can now step into the same river not just twice but time and again.
Pretty much all musicians, no matter how good they are, go off the rails at some point (musically speaking).
But elsewhere in the state, things are tough, musically speaking.
Yes, but how did he know a baby whale would hit the spot, musically speaking?
Musically speaking, the man who called himself the father of Southern Rock couldn't play much more than the radio.
Musically speaking, the 2004-5 Broadway season is seriously off balance.
"Musically speaking, it was like a dream," the bridegroom said.