Following is a selection of 20 musically interesting or historically significant festivals.
The songs from Opus 4 represent a composer not long out of his teen-age years; they are direct, genuine and musically interesting.
You can tell it's important that what they do is musically interesting and challenging to them.
A selection of 50 musically interesting of historically significant festivals follows.
A selection of 50 musically interesting or historically significant European festivals in the coming months follows.
They all agreed that the work was musically interesting but lacking in texture.
The decision to present the arias in musically interesting groups rather than chronologically helps you to hear connections between music separated by decades.
But then I thought if the turntable player uses sounds played by the orchestra, it could be musically interesting.
A selection of 50 musically interesting or historically significant European festivals in the spring, summer and fall follows.
Much of the vocal writing consists of short phrases of speech song, written more to support the text than to be musically interesting in itself.