The four siblings initially came together as a musical unit in 1979 to record "Children Playing in the Streets".
As a musical unit they often collaborate with a host of other musicians both in the studio as well as live.
Each moment, however, is a complex musical unit, and is played in the same direction in each half of the program.
He decided to compose a work whose themes were the most basic musical units: scales.
A number of bands and small musical units provide live music for dancing and listening.
The Marching Band is a musical marching unit that meets during the first semester.
The Racine Scouts have been the oldest musical unit in Scouting since the 1930s.
In musical terms, this refers to "a musical unit, often a component of a melody.
"Interesting combination through creative riffs unifying a potentially powerful musical unit."
The musical units play many instruments including the traditional bagpipe.