His school's musical troupe performed free of charge at charity events and weddings.
In 1912, Thomas left the Peabody and toured briefly with a musical troupe.
Similar to other armies fighting oversea wars, Cuban soldiers are regularly entertained by musical troupes from home.
Its musical troupe, the Family Singers, have at various times sung in the White House.
Rita began her career in 1980 as part of a musical troupe in the Israeli Army.
During the 1930s, Li Jinhui started the Chinese popular music industry with a number of musical troupes.
After traveling with his family in a musical troupe, he decided to become an actor at age 21.
Kittredge toured solo and with the Hutchinson Family, a musical troupe.
Soon after he joined a musical troupe known as the Continental Vocalists.
Years later she joins a musical troupe.