To this day numerous fan groups, trading groups, and collectors with an emphasis on St.GIGA's musical products exist online.
It is one of the most distinctively American musical products of the 19th century, and probably the best-known song to have come out of blackface minstrelsy.
Mozart's 18-part exercise, written in 1766, is, indeed, a catalogue of style, a sample-case of contemporary musical products assembled with amazing precocity.
The trust holds title and copyright to Frank Zappa's musical and artistic products, as well as his commercial image.
At those prices, with this musical product, the kid will get over the Rolling Stones, and fast.
There, he could control every aspect of the final musical "product" by selecting parts of various takes.
The B-52's and R.E.M. became by far the most famous musical products of Athens in the 1980s, when both bands launched a string of hits.
First Act Discovery is a line of musical products for children ages 3 to 9.
Suburban is convinced that there has to be a strong platform for non-mainstream musical products in general, and for the popular (heavy) Rock music in particular.
Merchandise includes musical and video products (CDs, DVDs, downloads and ringtones) and video games.