He thinks people's musical perceptions are wider than they are given credit for.
Earlier this year researchers reported that people with perfect pitch have in their left hemispheres highly developed structures associated with musical perception.
Busacher had at one time been surprised at Willi's musical perception, but was no longer.
There were many refined musical perceptions, but their sum was strangely unsatisfying.
Despite the changes that performance can bring, our musical perception is supposed to be consistent and disciplined.
You can perceive music as one effect after another, but this is not a musical perception.
The musical perception is the eternal one.
Gedda's singing is best known for his beauty of tone, vocal control, and musical perception.
The foundations of musical perception are sought, as are the biological laws that make music a human universal.
The former is achieved through the development of musical perception in the brain, the latter is achieved through breath control.