Greer's book Obama Music, partly a musical memoir, was published by Legend Press in October 2009.
Currently, she is appearing in what has been dubbed a "a musical memoir" Taught 2 Dance a work-in-progress which concerns her life as a performer "growing up to become a real person."
Henry Fothergill Chorley (1808-1872) expressed the same view in his musical memoirs.
At its best, the musical memoir can try to address the question of how the artist did it.
Which seems like a good place to leave Bob on his 70th birthday - one ageing genius gazing admiringly upon another - and ask, which other musical memoirs are worthy of note?
This Russian master's 15 quartets are haunting and confounding works, at once craftily composed scores and deeply personal chapters of a musical memoir.
Holiday Biographies Among the most famous lines in a modern musical memoir are those that open Billie Holiday's 1956 autobiography, "Lady Sings the Blues."
In 2007 he published a musical memoir "Gold star to the Ozarks".
What is clear in this 90-minute intermissionless musical memoir produced by the Hudson Stage Company is that she had or is still having a bad dream.
He even wrote a musical memoir this year about his guitar .