If there is little compellingly personal about her style, she is always a strong player with honorable musical instincts.
The sound musical instincts are undeniable, but this young man has made the instrument his god, with music as the sacrifice offered up to it.
Mr. Mustonen has good musical instincts, and he plays with great clarity.
Although he already had a cartoon name, his musical instincts were his qualifications.
Rook quickly became known for his musical instincts, repeatedly breaking hit records before the rest of the country aired them.
He has a sweet lyric tenor voice and good musical instincts.
Did you turn to music as an avenue for writing, or were you driven by musical instincts?
He also has solid musical instincts and a sure command of German.
He is still a pianist of staggering technical brilliance and powerful musical instincts.
So interpreters of Beethoven cannot rely on musical instincts alone.