A musical homage to Taste and Gallagher was by Black 47 in their song "Rory", released on 1998's Green Suede Shoes album.
It is based on a 4/4 alternating verse/chorus structure and may be a musical homage to one of Echobelly's major influences, Morrissey.
Setting his tale in an Eastern Europe shtetl at the end of the 19th century, Fleishman paid a musical homage to a world on the verge of extinction.
In other words, it's not so much like The Beach Boys that it's a pastiche, but sufficiently like them to be a musical homage.
The setpieces are reminiscent of Toho monster movies and the score is an eclectic mix of styles and musical homages.
Chosen because of his "frightening amount of musical knowledge about TV dramas overseas," Sahashi integrates musical homages into the soundtrack.
The musically inclined might notice the use of a whole tone scale, a deliberate musical homage to another Monk - Thelonius!
The album's success got them noticed, and in 2001 Biolay's debut solo album, "Rose Kennedy," a musical homage to the Kennedy saga, earned rave reviews.
At least one listener was carried back musically as well, and set to pondering the nature of musical homage and musical meaning.
(You can sense the same dynamic at work today in "Avenue Q," the witty musical homage to "Sesame Street.")