He came upon a musical formula and marketed it to a popular audience.
The song's structure and musical formula would later influence the blueprint of modern hip hop.
The album follows the same musical and lyrical formula of her previous recordings.
At the early period in question, oral tradition may have sufficed to hand down a certain number of musical formulas.
The musical formula was augmented by the girls' baggy and cool down-to-earth Atlanta style.
The music presents nine periodic cycles in which a musical formula gradually emerges (Stockhausen 1998a, 387-89).
This formula is one of the most distinctive musical formulae in the repertory.
Critics later said the album, with less of a Folk influence, would standardize the musical formula for her subsequent albums in the 1970s.
Three years later, Liberace stumbled onto the musical formula that made him famous.
This approach undid the musical formula from within.