The various pauses and silences are not intended breaks in the musical flow but rather as transitions in the musical discourse.
In ordinary musical discourse, however, the "dominant" relationship is typically held to obtain only between the I and V chords.
However, several theorists have pointed out that ordinary musical discourse often includes more information than functions.
In both cases, the performance gesture is crucial, this being the component around which the syntax of musical discourse revolves.
Tonal beauty is actually permitted a role in the musical discourse.
In the musical discourse the 'magic' progression serves to symbolize portentous moments of various kinds.
Zampronha's main rhetoric strategy is first to induce the listener to understand the musical discourse in a specific way.
These groups demonstrate the sustained symbolic relationship between musical and political discourses, though they have somewhat diverged from their nineteenth century unity.
As a pianist, Mr. Helps had the benefit of both a powerful technique and a composer's eye for the structure of musical discourse.
The pianist's left hand was an unusually independent and capable partner in the musical discourse throughout.