She used her weight allowance to bring an electronic music synthesizer, a personal computer, and an amazing array of hot sauces.
Gray is also considered to be the father of the modern music synthesizer, and was granted over 70 patents for his inventions.
Just like any music synthesizer, the software is treated as a musical instrument and the vocals as sound.
A walkstation is a portable music synthesizer that can often be programmed with various musical sequences.
Two corners held electronic equipment: one a communications console, the other an ancient assembly of music synthesizers.
This effect is most used to enhance the sound of a music synthesizer by altering the waveform or vowel.
There was scattered clapping as the music synthesizers accompanying her played the introduction to "Memories."
It was a success and received wide recognition as the first Italian hit record to feature the sound of an electronic music synthesizer.
The device has a calculator, a music synthesizer and a set of games.
Consider, for example, a $10,000 music synthesizer that contains a $500 computer disk drive.