Usher's a music superstar by night, a doting dad by day.
At home, Marge asks Homer about Lurleen; he claims that she is just a waitress who is turning into a music superstar.
He stated: "Before Madonna, it was possible for women more famous for their voices than their cleavage to emerge as music superstars.
The music superstar met Furnish, a film director and producer, in October 1993 at a dinner party held at his home.
The notability of the participants has also varied, from previously unsigned acts to established music superstars.
Larrymania gives Hernandez's fans an opportunity to see how he is able to maneuver his life through the tough obstacles that a music superstar has to undergo.
Kisaragi Akiba Kisaragi was a music superstar in her youth before becoming a singing coach.
And it's a fitting tribute to a young woman whose immense talent made her a music superstar before she was even 20 years old.
And though Mr. Perlman is that rare celebrity, a classical music superstar, his cachet does not automatically command the payoff one might expect.
What music superstar worth his salt hadn't already been the beneficiary of an expensive, career-defining multi-disc set?