In the Baroque style, she has sung with some of the world's most renowned early music conductors and ensembles.
Anthony Inglis (born 27 June 1952), who became a highly successful music conductor.
His father is a flutist and classical music conductor who teaches privately in San Diego.
He composed music for 52 films, and was the music conductor for more than 100 films.
Douglas Bostock (born 1955) is classical music conductor.
By the mid-1960s Previn's husband had become a classical music conductor, touring worldwide.
See if you have what it takes to become a music conductor with this online music game.
The Band has two types of music conductors.
In early days of his career, he worked as a music assistant or music conductor for over 30 hit movies.
One son, Zubin, is the world-famous classical music conductor.