These are harvested by individual local mushroom hunters, who receive anywhere from $1-$10 per pound for their efforts.
It is often ignored by mushroom hunters because of its small size.
Yeah, and there are a lot of mushroom hunters in town this time of year.
"Maybe you can get a list of mushroom hunters from Felicity," Wilder said finally.
Locally, mushroom hunters seem to be more likely to get lost than poisoned.
But mushroom hunters do, as it turns out, often with speed and strategic purpose.
According to Borovička and colleagues, they are "commonly sought out by some mushroom hunters".
"You don't know what this means to me," Vanai said once the other mushroom hunters were out of earshot.
Still, pollution and an increasing number of mushroom hunters have taken their toll on France's mushrooms.
A large number of mushroom species are favored for eating by mushroom hunters.