Mr. Holzer added that he was not aware of any complaints about the artists from museum patrons.
He also suggested that perhaps the residents might become loyal museum patrons.
He has appeared at several art shows throughout Southern California, often running on his treadmill, painting, and doing various other activities while museum patrons look on.
After he retired in 1990, he and his wife, Mary, became museum patrons and aggressive collectors of postwar art.
Egyptian officials eager for cash revenues say that such exhibitions increase tourism by attracting museum patrons to Egypt itself.
The presentation is shown in a continuous loop and allows museum patrons to explore the narrative and create their own stories.
This week, he gave a special tour of his work to museum patrons.
"The Tang needs more tang," one museum patron decided.
All of this many leaves museum patrons feeling helpless and fearful.
Surrealistic art also remains popular with museum patrons.