Everyone from Chamber of Commerce officials to amusement park owners to casino operators to museum docents want to bend Ms. Byrne's ear.
The museum docents, which are high school students, give tours to younger children during the weekdays, as well to the public on Saturdays.
Openings include tutoring positions, museum docents and food delivery people.
Students are also able to pet, feed and observe ranch animals under supervision of museum docents.
Truman actively participated in the day-to-day operation of the Library, personally training museum docents and conducting impromptu "press conferences" for visiting school students.
A Problem for Docents The people probably most inconvenienced by the rearrangement of the paintings are the museum docents who give guided tours of the galleries.
Noting that 50 well-versed museum docents were on hand to lead tours, he added, "We have real human beings to take you through."
Ms. Balfa and her husband, the accordionist Dirk Powell, discussed every song the quartet played with the precision of museum docents.
Upon request volunteer museum docents can be available to provide additional information about the exhibits during these events.
(Teachers include museum docents, retired instructors, social workers and others.)